Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monkey Brains

According to K.C. Jones, in January 16th's Information Week. Scientist at Duke University were able to use the thought patterns of Rhesus monkeys, to operate robotic legs all the way in Japan. The Rhesus monkeys were placed on a treadmill with electrodes planted into their little monkey brains. The information gathered was then piped to Japan, where a computer interpreted the information for the robot legs.

So let me get this straight, we'd rather spend the time and money to train a damn monkey to walk on the treadmill, then walk on the treadmill ourselves.? God, I love America.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jefferson Davis Highway

It always seems a little crazy to me, some of the things that are "normal" in Virginia. Have you ever been to Richmond? They have an entire street called monument avenue dedicated (mostly) to old civil war generals and such. They do have an Arthur Ashe statue, but that was a huge controversy. I know, I know the Civil War wasn't about slavery, or so they say. It was about states' rights. But a states right to own niggers? It seems to me, if you are going to erect statues of these people, they should be maintained with private money rather than tax dollars.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Hate Roman Numerals

I hate Roman Numerals, they always show up in things when it is least convenient: film credits and super-bowls (what number Super Bowl are we on again?). I wrote a joke about it, and it goes a little something like this:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Your Cat Wants a Full Suit of Armor (PICS)

Why humans invented armour... so they could dress their cats. Suit up cats with tournament gear and get em ready for battle.

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